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Thursday, July 31, 2008


SECURITY COUNCIL DISCUSSES MANDATE OF UN-AFRICAN UNION MISSION IN DARFUR New York, Jul 31 2008 8:00PM The Security Council is holding consultations tonight on whether to extend the mandate of the joint United Nations-African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur (UNAMID), the strife-torn region of western Sudan.

The 15-member panel is discussing a possible resolution that would extend the mission – which was authorized by the Council exactly one year ago – for another 12 months to 31 July 2009. The current mandate expires tonight.

Since taking over from an AU peace monitoring mission at the start of this year, UNAMID has just under 10,000 uniformed personnel in place, far short of the approximately 26,000 troops and police officers expected when the force reaches full deployment.

A report by a group of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) this week found that the peacekeeping mission faces critical shortages in troops, other personnel, helicopters, equipment and logistics.

UNAMID chief Rodolphe Adada said he concurred with the report and called on the international community to help out with the shortages so that the mission can carry out its mandate.

A spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon echoed those remarks today, saying it was vital that UNAMID be given the helicopters and other necessary capabilities.

The mission reported today that the security situation in Darfur, an impoverished and arid region, remains relatively calm. Mission staff continue to conduct routine patrols and escorts.
2008-07-31 00:00:00.000


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