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Friday, May 9, 2008


TOP UN OFFICIAL IN ASIA-PACIFIC JOINS CALL FOR URGENT ACCESS TO MYANMAR New York, May 9 2008 10:00AM Echoing calls on the Myanmar authorities to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid in the wake of the deadly cyclone which has left some 1.5 million people in need, the top United Nations official in the region today urged the Government to act quickly to avert an even worse tragedy.

"The situation is getting critical and there is only a small window of opportunity if we are to avert the spread of diseases that could multiply the already tragic number of casualties," said Noeleen Heyzer, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (<"">ESCAP).

The UN humanitarian chief has warned that the situation in Myanmar following last weekend's cyclone has become "increasingly desperate." The storm left a path of death and destruction across the Irrawaddy delta region and the country's largest city, Yangon.

Both Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon have voiced their disappointment at the limited progress made in gaining access to Myanmar, where some 1.5 million people are believed to be severely affected by the disaster.

Ms. Heyzer "urged again the Myanmar authorities to issue visas expeditiously, and if possible, exempt all visa requirements for all UN aid workers, so that aid can reach the people as quickly as possible."

She also said she plans to personally go as soon as possible to Myanmar to show her solidarity with the people of the South-East Asian nation and to meet with the Government to discuss access and humanitarian assistance.

Meanwhile, UN agencies are continuing to mobilize efforts to assist those in need. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (<"">UNHCR) said today it is hoping to start airlifting 57 tonnes of emergency shelter – for some 22,000 people – from its stockpile in Dubai.

The first load of 32 tonnes of aid cargo – mainly urgently needed shelter materials such as plastic sheeting, blankets and kitchen sets – is set to be transported on a UN World Food Programme (<"">WFP) aircraft, with another 25 tonnes of supplies expected to be airlifted over the weekend on a joint charter flight.

The agency is also emptying its stockpile in north-western Thailand to deliver some 5,000 plastic sheets and some 200 tents to people in desperate need of shelter across the border.

"We are seeking all possible means to send urgent shelter materials and household supplies to victims of the recent cyclone in Myanmar," UNHCR's Jennifer Pagonis told reporters.

Later today UNHCR will join other members of the UN humanitarian family in launching a Flash Appeal to donors to assist with the emergency response efforts.
2008-05-09 00:00:00.000


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