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Friday, March 14, 2008


TOP ENVOY STRONGLY CONDEMNS ATTACK ON UN MISSION'S COURT BUILDING New York, Mar 14 2008 11:00AM The Secretary-General's Special Representative today strongly <"$FILE/pr1726.pdf">condemned an attack on the District Court building of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (<"">UNMIK) in North Mitrovica, which took place when a large mob overwhelmed UNMIK Police.

"Those who turned to violence in North Mitrovica have crossed one of UNMIK's red lines. This is completely unacceptable," said Joachim Rücker, adding that he has instructed the mission's police to restore law and order.

This morning, the Special Representative notified the Serbian Government of the events, asking it to prevent such attacks.

Mr. Rücker underscored that any differences of opinion must be dealt with in a civilized manner.

"Once again, I appeal to all communities to refrain from violence and to help us ensure a safe and secure environment in Kosovo," he said. "UNMIK will defend its mandate throughout the whole territory of Kosovo without exception."

The Special Representative has informed both President Fatmir Sejdiu and Prime Minister Thaçi of the most recent developments and of UNMIK's course of action.

Last month, the Assembly of Kosovo's Provisional Institutions of Self-Government declared independence from Serbia, and since then both Mr. Rücker and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon have underlined the need for restraint from all sides.

Ethnic Albanians outnumber Serbs and other minorities by nine to one in Kosovo, which was administered by the UN after Western forces drove out Yugoslav forces amid inter-ethnic fighting in 1999.
2008-03-14 00:00:00.000


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