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Tuesday, February 5, 2008


UN'S TOP RIGHTS CHIEF URGES PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS IN WAR-TORN CHAD New York, Feb 5 2008 9:00AM As civilians continue to flee fighting between rebels and government forces in Chad, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights today called on both sides to protect those caught in the crossfire.

Louise Arbour issued a statement in Geneva expressing "deep concerns regarding the military escalation in Chad in recent days and the threat this represents for civilians."

She called on both government forces and rebel groups "to respect international human rights and humanitarian law and to take all appropriate measures to protect civilians."

This appeal was echoed by a spokesperson for the UN refugee agency, which is caring for hundreds of thousands of uprooted people across Chad. "We urgently appeal to all sides to respect humanitarian principles and to halt the violence," the spokesperson told a press briefing in Geneva

Up to 20,000 refugees from Chad crossed the Cameroon border since Saturday, when fighting engulfed Chadian capital of N'Djamena, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

"As of this morning, frightened people were still crossing in a continuous flow," the spokesperson said.

The Security Council yesterday demanded an immediate end to the violence and welcomed an African Union initiative to try to engage both the Government and the armed opposition groups to find a durable solution to the crisis in Chad.

In a presidential statement, the Council reaffirmed its full support for MINURCAT, the UN mission to Chad and the neighbouring Central African Republic (CAR) that was authorized by the Council last year to try to protect vulnerable civilians in both countries and to facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has also voiced alarm at the deteriorating situation, especially its impact on Chad's large population of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs).

The refugee agency is preparing to airlift to Cameroon 90 tonnes of relief supplies, including plastic sheeting, jerry cans, blankets, mosquito nets, kitchen sets and plastic rolls -- enough for 14,000 refugees.

The agency is also working to find better accommodations for the estimated 6,000 to 7,000 refugees staying at a transit center who are exposed to the elements and have been building bonfires last night to get warm.

In volatile eastern Chad, meanwhile, UNHCR and its partners continue to care for hundreds of thousands of refugees and displaced people, but yesterday evacuated 25 non-essential staff from its main field operations base at Abeche following reports of bombing and attacks near Adre, east of Abeche near the border with Sudan's Darfur region.

While Abeche is "calm but tense," further to the north, in Guereda, a series of armed attacks on UNHCR and other aid agencies last week forced an evacuation of most staff. The agency spokesperson reported another bandit attack on Mile refugee camp near Guereda yesterday by armed men who fired weapons and stole the sixth vehicle in a week. No injuries were reported.

UNHCR and its partners operate 12 large refugee camps in eastern Chad with some 240,000 Sudanese refugees who have fled Darfur. Another 50,000 refugees from the Central African Republic (CAR) are in camps in southern Chad. In addition, the agency is involved in providing help to some of the 180,000 Chadians who have been displaced internally by earlier unrest in Chad.

2008-02-05 00:00:00.000


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